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Feel the Peaceful Vibrations 

De-stress and clear your mind with help from Peaceful Vibes. My sound healing sessions are designed to help bring harmony to your body. By using singing bowls, gongs, chimes and other soothing sounds I create an atmosphere where the sounds surround you, so you can destress after a tiring day, help your body relax so it can recharge itself, and have your mind and body come into balance so it can work together to help start healing. 

 Private and group sessions are available.

Relax, Renew, and come into Balance with a sound healing session.



What Is Sound Healing? 

For thousands of years, various cultures use sound as a healing tool. The Journal of Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine published a study that an hour-long sound meditation can help reduce anger, tension, anxiety, fatigue, and depression while improving a person’s spiritual well-being.

Whether it be mantras, chimes, drumming, or singing bowls; these techniques fulfill the same objective of bringing people from a place of imbalance to a place of balance.

“A person does not hear sound only through the ears; he hears sound through every pore of the body. It permeates the entire being, and according to its particular influence, either slows or quickens the rhythm of the blood circulation; it either awakens or soothes the nervous system.” 

Hazrat Inayat Kahn

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